Protecting native plants and natural areas

We Help You Get Rid of Privet and other  harmful Non-Native Plants on the land that you manage.

Chinese Privet – A Costly Menace to Landowners and Managers


Protecting Natural Habitat

Landowners and managers desiring to protect natural habitat are often surprised to learn that Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), as well as other non-native invasive plants, has not only become established within the land that they care for but is increasingly degrading it.

Chinese privet, often simply referred to as “privet,” was introduced in approximately 1850 as a landscape ornamental. For approximately 50 years afterward, it coexisted in what appeared to be a harmless manner. But after the 50-year “lag phase,” it experienced a population explosion, establishing and spreading within agricultural fields, forested areas, and the remnants of undeveloped natural areas within urban areas.

Frequently, landowners and managers fail to realize that the menacing plant is present and instead assume that it’s a native. It’s not until the evergreen shrub has created impassable thickets that its invasive habit is realized.

Like other non-native invasive plants, privet outcompetes native vegetation. As a result, native plants decline, along with the “ecosystem” that they are a part of. In addition, it interferes with recreational uses, as well as natural beauty, due to the impassable thickets that evolve.


Dangers of Privet

Safety is compromised by the presence of privet due to the thicket type growth habit, preventing pedestrians and other users from being able to spot danger that may use the thicket for cover.

In the event of a fire, privet thickets provide an abundance of fuel and can increase the severity of the damage.

The abundant but unhealthy fruit is devoured by birds and other wildlife, and the seeds from within the fruit are disseminated to wherever it is excreted. This helps the plant spread long distances over a short period of time.

As if the above isn’t enough, floral odors and pollen from privet are believed to have severe effects upon sensitive individuals, causing headaches and other allergic reactions.

Privet fruit

Controlling Privet

Sold primarily in the southeastern US in a variegated form, its popularity has waned significantly, partly due to its effect on natural areas. But unfortunately, it can still be found for sale.

Controlling Chinese privet within natural areas is important, and it can be done via a variety of means. Young plants can be uprooted somewhat easily when the soil is moist. Basal sprays, the application of a recommended herbicide plus “basal oil” on lower stems, can be very effective. Other means are available too.

A control method that has proven to be very effective at controlling privet while at the same time having minimal impact upon surrounding vegetation is a foliar treatment during the wintertime after deciduous trees have lost their foliage.

Any treatments should only be done in accordance with product labels and in consideration of surroundings.

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